Smoking Herbs for Beginners: everything you need to know
everything you need to know to become an herb-smoking badass
how to make infusions & decoctions
learn to make a nourishing herbal infusion and a medicinal herbal decoction
that time I didn't shower for 7 months
Sitting naked and cold in a metal tub as you hose yourself with water? Not fun.
5 Ways to Celebrate Imbolc
At Imbolc, the seasonal holiday that falls between Winter Solstice and Spring Equinox, we begin to feel the slow return of the Light. As as the Light expands, the stirrings of movement begin within ourselves and within the plant world.
Looking through a seed catalog in January
a poem, 12 amazing things that happened this year, and updates
Plant Allies: Mugwort
Mugwort is most well-known as a dream herb, but has many other magical & medicinal qualities.
Not the Song, but After
2020 asks: what else can you learn here? How can you savor the sensations of liminal space even more?
5 reasons why this is the worst time to buy an online course
Things are pretty shitty right now. It’s definitely the worst time ever to buy an online course. Or is it?
Plant Allies: Marshmallow
Marshmallow, also known as Althaea officinalis, is a soothing and comforting herb if there ever was one.
Finding emotional balance at Autumnal Equinox
Autumnal Equinox is approaching. Even though it's weeks away, I can feel it, and -- more than that -- I'm eager for it.
Announcing Plant Magic for Beginners
The plant magic path is unfolding before you. Will you take the first step?
At Lammas-tide, we celebrate both fullness & decay.
What are you harvesting? Where are you welcoming decay?
What's a Plant Ally?
The term “plant ally” gets thrown around a lot. But what does it mean? And why should you care?