At Lammas-tide, we celebrate both fullness & decay.

To me, the luscious ripe rose hips herald Lammas.

To me, the luscious ripe rose hips herald Lammas.

Lammas season is here, filled with juicy lusciousness.

To me, the ripe rose hips herald Lammas. They are the nourishing fulfillment of the expansive promise of the Rose.

Lammas is the time of gratitude for the harvest, when we feel the subtle shifts as the Outward Spiral wanes.

This year has been filled with “un-“s : unexpected, unprecedented, unknown. We’ve tossed our plans out the window, adapted, and still can’t quite make new ones.

And yet. We can still look back over the past 8 months and ask ourselves:

✨ How have my Winter Solstice Intentions come to fruition?

✨ What gratitudes can I harvest?

✨ What am I reaping of the seeds I have sown?

It’s easy to get caught up in the chaos. The seasonal holidays help us to pause, reflect, and appreciate all that we’ve done.

The Calendula, once bright at Summer Solstice, is on its way out.

The Calendula, once bright at Summer Solstice, is on its way out.

Lammas also welcomes the first signs of decay in the garden. Flowers that were once bright are dying. The Calendula is past. The glorious Clary Sage dropped all its seeds, and we pulled it out.

You can be that my heart is dancing with glee as the harvest flies sing the song of the summer’s fade. Also, I really friggin like their song ❤️

In a year that heralds the decay of so much, this energy feels more fitting than the bright blooms of July.

What are you letting go of as the Outward Spiral winds down? Where is decay appearing in your life?


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