Plant Allies: Marshmallow

I made this video in collaboration with The Alchemist’s Kitchen. Enjoy!

Marshmallow as an Herbal Ally

Marshmallow, also known as Althaea officinalis, is a soothing and comforting herb if there ever was one.

Can you see these soft, fuzzy leaves?

Marshmallow is a demulcent, which means that it’s moistening and soothing and anti- inflammatory to hot, irritated mucous membrane tissue.

We primarily use the root of Marshmallow, which we dig up in the fall. When steeped in cool water or extracted in a low-alcohol tincture, the root gives us a slimy, gooey liquid. This slime is what coats and soothes our mucous membranes, from our respiratory tract to our digestive system, which makes Marshmallow an excellent helper for sore throats, raspy coughs, gastric ulcers, IBS, and other conditions in which mucous membrane tissue is hot, dry, and inflamed.

Now, you might be thinking, “How does this all connect to candy?” In the past, confectioners used Marshmallow root to give the fluffy, chewy texture to many treats, including the one we know simply as “marshmallow.” This was possible due to Marshmallow root’s high pectin content, and yes, it is still possible, and very easy, to make your own homemade marshmallows from this root.

Marshmallow as a Magical Ally

Magically, I work with Marshmallow to bring softness to difficult situations, to bring comfort where there is strife, and to remind us that it is ok to throw yourself on a nest of fluffy pillows and take a nap. Whether it’s within your body or within your life, Marshmallow is here to soothe your irritations, soften your woes, and bring you an abiding sense of comfort.

Where to buy Marshmallow

I always recommend buying herbs from your local herb farm. Mountain Rose Herbs is also a good source for Marshmallow leaf and Marshmallow root.

This video was filmed and produced by Kendra Lee Thatcher of Balance of Bliss.


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