how to see a fairy


Have you ever seen a fairy?

Do you talk to them in your garden, even if you’re not sure they’re there? 

Summer Solstice season is the season of flowers in full bloom, expansive, expressive energy, and, of course, fairies. 

Fairies are not just fanciful beings — they have a vital role to play in the life of plants. 

Here are my best tips for seeing and communing with fairies:


1. Align your vibration with fairy vibration

Don’t try to perceive fairies with your eyes, persay. Rather, subtly adjust your vibration so that you’re existing on the same frequency as fairies.


2. Drop the “predator” mentality — leave gifts instead

You are not a fairy hunter, and they are not fairy prey. A greedy, lascivious vibe is not conducive to seeing fairies. Instead, leave them gifts such as treats and twinkle items. Remember - even if you leave them a whole feast, and they clearly enjoyed it, the fairies still owe you nothing.

3. Eat flowers.

Yup. Eat as many fresh blossoms as you can. The more flowers you eat, the more nectar you consume, the more you are altering your physical body to be in tune with flower energy. The more flowers you eat, the more like a fairy you are.


If you want to learn all my methods for connecting with fairies, check out the Summer Solstice Celebration, which is heavily oriented towards fairy magic.

You'll learn how to align your vibration with that of fairies, what fairies do and don't like, and you'll practice my favorite flower fairy meditation. 


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