instead of becoming "someone I would never see again"....
destiny drew us back together… Part 2 of 2
why herbalism is inherently anti-fad
herbalism might seem to be rife with fads. but a foundation of herbal understand can actually make you fad-immune.
The Importance of Locally-Grown Herbs
Locally-grown herbs are the healthy, sustainable choice for you & the planet.
It's ok to harvest herbs
“I feel bad picking them…” I hear this so often from students. Here’s why you don’t have to feel that way.
of rattles and ritual
how I went from being a curious herbalist to a bev-loving plant witch… Part 2 of 5
from herb-curious to curious herbalist
how I went from being a curious herbalist to a bev-loving plant witch… Part 1 of 5
Witchy Tip: Creating Space for all Beings
Our monthly tip for living as a plant witch in today’s world.
Liminal Time (or, How I Learned to Love Limbo)
Being held in limbo isn't easy, but farming taught me how to love it.