A Spell for the Fading Light
The time change hits hard every year. But there’s something you can do about it.
What are the Seasonal Holidays?
Samhain. Winter Solstice. Imbolc. Spring Equinox. Beltane. You hear a lot about these holidays, but what are they?
Witchy Tip: Creating Space for all Beings
Our monthly tip for living as a plant witch in today’s world.
Spring Equinox: Sitting in the Mud
As spring approaches, I’m not thinking about flowers. I’m not thinking about Easter eggs, robins’ eggs, baby bunnies, or ducklings. I’m thinking about mud.
Imbolc: Anticipating Spring
We exist within a tapestry of stories... As we are held within the pause of winter, as we honor the Imbolc season, let us examine and release a story that is no longer serving us.
Liminal Time (or, How I Learned to Love Limbo)
Being held in limbo isn't easy, but farming taught me how to love it.