how to convince your skeptical (and, let's be real, somewhat square) partner to participate in a ritual
I know you love your partner. But maybe you could be more well-matched in the spiritual department. Here are my top tips for convincing them to join you in a ritual.
of rattles and ritual
how I went from being a curious herbalist to a bev-loving plant witch… Part 2 of 5
what people get wrong about smoking
When people hear that I, an herbalist, teach folks to smoke or sell herbal smoking blends, they are often aghast — how could I do something so obviously at odds with wellness? Here, I dispel common misconceptions about smoking.
Summer Solstice: Connecting with Flowers
The flowers are calling us to reflect and celebrate.
Spring Equinox: Sitting in the Mud
As spring approaches, I’m not thinking about flowers. I’m not thinking about Easter eggs, robins’ eggs, baby bunnies, or ducklings. I’m thinking about mud.
Liminal Time (or, How I Learned to Love Limbo)
Being held in limbo isn't easy, but farming taught me how to love it.