A Solstice Miracle!
My precious Winter Solstice retreat was in peril. Did I have an herb with me that could save it?
What are the Seasonal Holidays?
Samhain. Winter Solstice. Imbolc. Spring Equinox. Beltane. You hear a lot about these holidays, but what are they?
Witchy Tip: Creating Space for all Beings
Our monthly tip for living as a plant witch in today’s world.
Beltane: how to achieve your goals without discipline
I’m not that into discipline. But I am into making sh*t happen.
what people get wrong about smoking
When people hear that I, an herbalist, teach folks to smoke or sell herbal smoking blends, they are often aghast — how could I do something so obviously at odds with wellness? Here, I dispel common misconceptions about smoking.
Smoking Mugwort: Dance with the Divine Feminine
Mugwort connects us to the moon, the cyclical nature of being, and our own Divine Feminine.
7 things that smoking & sex have in common
What is an act so powerful that it is maligned by society and regulated by governments, yet still we do it? What is an act that can open the doors for sacred communion and become a gateway to a different experience of time and place? Sex, you might say. Or is it smoking?
7 Signs that Plants are Speaking to You
Have the plants been speaking to you? It’s time to listen.
Summer Solstice: Connecting with Flowers
The flowers are calling us to reflect and celebrate.
Smoking Hops: The Hypnotic Truth Serum
The first time I tried hops, I had no idea what I was getting in to.
Spring Equinox: Sitting in the Mud
As spring approaches, I’m not thinking about flowers. I’m not thinking about Easter eggs, robins’ eggs, baby bunnies, or ducklings. I’m thinking about mud.
Imbolc: Anticipating Spring
We exist within a tapestry of stories... As we are held within the pause of winter, as we honor the Imbolc season, let us examine and release a story that is no longer serving us.