Spring Equinox, Balance, and COVID-19

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There's a lot going on right now. 

We're all navigating new work arrangements, event cancellations, low-level quarantine, and school closures. Some of us are working through fear that we or someone we love may become ill. We wonder if we're overreacting -- or underreacting. We want to do what's right.

Amid this uncharted territory, we approach Spring Equinox, Ostara, the holiday that celebrates the balance of Dark and Light, the coming of warm weather and the natural abundance of the growing season. 

Typically, at this time of year, I focus on themes of upward-and-outward, getting our bodies moving and our lymph flowing, the excitement of expansion, kindling the energies we need to manifest those goals we set at Winter Solstice. 

And all that is still true: energizing your lymphatic system is more important than ever, and your goals are still important, despite the current chaos. 

But this year, amid our current chaos, Spring Equinox has a special gift for you: the promise of equilibrium. 

It is not just the sun and earth who are experiencing a point of equilibrium right now: you are too. You may be a very tiny being on a very large planet, but you are a part of the larger organism that is this planet. What the planet feels, you feel, too. 

Of course, we tiny beings can create so much movement and intensity that it is easy to become disconnected from the feelings of the earth. You can pass by this holiday without even noticing it, and your life will continue as usual. 

But is that what you want? Your life to continue as usual?

As a part of this vibrant earth, you are offered the gift of leaning in to the earth's cycles, from long days to short ones, from inward to outward, from rain to brightness. 

You -- yes, you -- have the innate ability to feel into these cycles and harness their energy in a way that helps you. 

And I think that Spring Equinox has a lot of help to offer you right now. 

On Monday, we'll gather virtually (live, and also recorded) to tap into the ways that Spring Equinox can support you in this exact moment.

We'll talk through what's stressing you out, I'll share herbs that are aligned with both Spring Equinox and the current scenario, and -- best of all -- I'll share a ritual that can help you to find balance in this time. 

I'll also send you home with Questions for Reflection, a Tarot Spread for Spring Equinox, a 20-page PDF with more rituals and more herbs, and a bunch of audio files so that you can listen to the material at your leisure. 

This time has special gifts for us, and that's what I'm focusing on. Am I sad that we won't be gathering on the farm for this precious work? Yes indeed. But I'm also looking forward to meeting many of you who live too far away to come to the farm. I know that the LL community extends far beyond driving distance of our Apothecary Garden, and I am excited to cultivate those connections in the weeks ahead. 

I'm sending you all extra encouragement right now. 

With a dash of highly-balanced magic,

P.S. We have a snazzy new Facebook Group. I'll be going Live there at 3:30pm EST today to talk about Equinox, Balance, and the Coronavirus. Join me


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