A Potion for Imbolc

Yesterday we met Calendula.  

She's a sunny plant who's eager to help you welcome the return of the Light and get aligned with Imbolc energy by:

1) Reminding you that summer is a real thing and will happen again
2) Getting your lymph flowing

Now that you're all fired up about calendula, how to work with her? 

I've created a recipe for a calendula bath infusion. It's blended to combine the fragrances of both winter and summer and get both your lymph and your blood flowing. 


Calendula - handful
Cinnamon stick - 1
Lemon Verbena - handful
Cayenne Flower Essence - 4 drops

1. Decoct the calendula flowers & cinnamon stick in 1 quart of water for 10 minutes. 
2. Remove from heat.
3. Add the lemon verbena.
4. Cover and steep for 10-15 minutes
5. Strain
6. Add the cayenne flower essence

You can watch me making the potion below:

If you want to learn more about making & using luscious bath potions, there are two more days to register for Ritual & Bath.

We'll go way past bath infusion to explore yoni steams, lingam soaks, anointing oils, flying ointments, and a cloak of power unguent. 

Along the way, we'll learn how ritual baths can support the "Five Stages of Transformation" - i.e. support any change you wish to bring into your life. 

Tomorrow, I'll check back in with a ritual that incorporates this yummy bath potion (yes, I'm sipping it right now).

With a dash of magic,

P.S. Here's the link to learn more about Ritual & Bath. 


"Create new data."


A Plant Ally for Imbolc