A Plant Ally for Imbolc


What are you craving right now? 

Personally, I'm craving the spark to get moving again. I've got the ideas, I've got the inspiration, but I'm so chilled out from my inward-spiral-hibernation that I'm feeling more inertia than energy.

(Is there a way to read copious amounts of herbal mystery novels while also getting a lot of work done? )

I'm really counting on the "first slant of light" Imbolc vibes to start the fire in my belly.

"Imbolc" does mean "in the belly" after all, and it refers to the germination of seeds/new life deep within the soil/womb. 

At Imbolc, we can feel the slow return of the Light. As as the Light expands, the stirrings of movement begin within ourselves and within the plant world. 

The great thing about honoring the seasonal holidays is that you can draw from their energy when you need some extra support. 

So if you're seeking a little spark in your life as you pull yourself out of hibernation and begin to work toward all those Solstice intentions you set, Imbolc, and the Plant Allies, is here for you. 

Over the next three days, I'll introduce you to a Plant Ally, Potion Recipe, and Ritual to step into alignment with the energy of Imbolc. 

Let's get started with our glowing, glorious Plant Ally, Calendula. 

Bright Flower Jar.jpg

Calendula as a Plant Ally 

If there were paper plate awards for herbs, Calendula would receive "Little Miss Sunshine." She is highly charming, inviting, and easy to get to know. 

Calendula is well-known as a tissue healer and soother-of-topical-maladies. She is less renowned, though just as accomplished, of a mover-of-lymph and encourager-of-flow. She is a helpful friend for lymphatic stagnation and swelling.

Calendula is also bright, so very bright, and gentle. She brings in the sunshine that we desperately need right now. She greets you with the smile of an old friend when you open the jar of dried flowers in your apothecary cabinet.

Calendula shines the summer sun right on your face, helping you to feel the solar energy you might be lacking. 

Calendula is lovely as both a tea and a bath infusion, which is why I especially love working with her at this time of year. You see, for me, Imbolc is the season of the Bath. 

Tomorrow I will send you a Potion recipe that can be used in the bath or shower. 

In the meantime, make yourself a cup of calendula tea, and feel the sunshine smiling on your beautiful face. 

P.S. If you want to learn every aspect of magical bathing, from potions to oils and salves and lusciousness, check out Ritual & Bath, a 6-week online course that teaches you to use bathing to support transformation. 


A Potion for Imbolc


It will be harder than you think.