
 Ritual & Magic Series

Make plant magic

These self-paced, online courses guide you through various types of magic-making with plants. The each feature plant allies, rituals, and hands-on homework.

Ritual & Potion

Learn to make potions of every sort — tinctures of liquor, tinctures of wine, vinegar potions, herbal aspergers for energy clearing, banishing potions, oxymels, and more!

Ritual & Smoke

Learn how to smoke herbs for ritual, how to craft your own smoking blends, how to use smoke for clearing and sanctifying, how to make a witchy herbal incense for spells, and how to magically work with herbal powders (this is way cooler than it sounds.)

Ritual & Bath

Bathing is a powerful ritual. This course explores the magic of traditional in-the-tub bathing as well as foot baths, facial steaming, yoni steaming, lingam soaks, and love oils, as well as anointing oils, unguents, and “flying oils.”

You will craft potions to use in the bath, in steams, and on your skin. This course is luscious, relaxing, and sexy.

Ritual & Spell

In this course we get classically, unapologetically witchy. We learn what really means to cast a spell, and yes, you will cast spells. We then get crafty with making magical herbal ink, amulets, charms, magical salts, and sigils. We learn about binding spells, love potions, hexing, and conjuring. We even go in-depth with what it means to care for and use ritual objects.