Free + Clear
Allergy season is approaching. Are you dreading it?
Blooming flowers and pollen counts may feel far away, but if you begin preparing now, you can have the allergy season of your dreams: one in which breathing is so effortless, you forget to be grateful for it.
if you’re someone who…
avoids going outside in the spring because your face explodes and you feel miserable — even though you’re so excited it’s warm out
anxiously tracks the pollen forecasts
dreads going to outdoor gatherings because you’re worried that you’ll be so sniffly you’ll make people uncomfortable
can’t wear contact lenses in the spring because your eyes are too goopy & painful
secretly resents flowers (sure, they’re pretty, but do they really have to spew pollen everywhere?!)
or worse…you don’t have seasonal allergies, but you do have “allergic rhinitis” from triggers that pop up year-round…. such as:
the person whose strong perfume makes you sneeze, then glares at you as if you’re the problem
your beloved cat, who slams herself against your bedroom door each night yowling, but if she sleeps with you, you’ll be so congested in the morning you can’t function… so she has to stay out
the mold that lives in the ceiling tiles of the classroom you’re in every day
(yes, these examples are exactly drawn from my life.)
… then this program is for you.
I’ve been there. I don’t have spring allergies, thank goodness, but I’ve been plagued with indoor allergies since I was a small child. It made my daily life miserable for years, until I stumbled upon nettle, and everything changed. It changed my life so much, in fact, that I became an herbalist.
For those that do have spring allergies, the difficult truth is that pollen counts are increasing each year due to climate change. aka your allergy life really is getting more miserable.
I created this program because I know that herbs can do so much to alleviate the snotty, itching, tissue-clutching misery that is allergic rhinitis. I want everyone to have a chance to enjoy a walk in the springtime, to cuddle their beloved cantankerous cat, or to get through a school day without blowing their nose.
Herbs really are that powerful.
In this program, we’ll go beyond nettle, beyond local honey, and into the root causes of allergies (both physical and spiritual). You’ll get a full protocol to prepare for allergy season and to manage symptoms, should they arise.
The program
Lesson 1: Diet & Lifestyle
Learn dietary tweaks, snacks (yes, snacks!), and daily living tips to make your body less susceptible to the ravages of allergy season.
Lesson 2: The Immune Response
You’ll learn all about allergies + the immune response, as well as herbs that can keep it all in balance (aka help you to prevent getting allergies in the first place).
Lesson 3: The Acute Response
Explore herbs + techniques for dealing with the symptoms of allergies, such as oozing eyes, congestion, sneeziness, sinus pressure, itchy face — all the unpleasantries that make allergy season unbearable.
You’ll get recipes + instructions to stock your apothecary so that you’re ready when the itchiness descends.
Lesson 4: Energetics of Allergies
Allergies often have an underlying energetic component. This will be a workshop that will guide you through journalling and reflection to connect with the inner root of the allergies. (Hint: it may be connected to boundary invasions.)
Your Custom Formula
You will receive the recipe for a formula designed specifically for you to help prepare your body for allergy season.
I will give you instructions on how to prepare the recipe and take the formula, or you can purchase the formula through a compounding apothecary that I work with.
The format
This course is delivered via email. Some shiny features:
You don’t have to log in anywhere
You don’t have to show up live or use Zoom
You can easily access everything from your phone
The lessons will live in your email inbox and you can access them with just a few clicks.
The course consists of four lessons and a custom formula.
Each lesson includes:
1 audio recording of the lesson that you can download and listen to on your phone, tablet, or computer
The text of your handout is in the body of the email, so you don’t have to download a file
A PDF handout is attached so that you can download the file if you want to
You will also receive:
The recipe for your custom formula (within 2 weeks of filling out the intake form)
A video on how to put together the formula yourself
Instructions on how to order the formula through the compounding apothecary, if you so desire
Delivery notes:
You’ll receive a Welcome email upon registering for the course. The Welcome email will contain resources such as a shopping list, notes on where to buy stuff, and the intake form. I suggest you fill out the intake form immediately.
Lesson 1 will arrive a few minutes after your Welcome email.
You’ll receive the next 3 lessons every other day. This will give you time to absorb each lesson.
Want to ask a question? There will be a link to a question form at the foot of every email. Submit your question by April 15th and I will answer it in an audio Q&A that I will send you on Friday, April 19th. If you purchase this course after April 15th, you’re welcome to email me your questions. I will do my best to answer them in a timely manner but I cannot guarantee a quick response.
The price
One payment of $145 or 4 monthly payments of $36.25
I’m a total newbie. Is that ok?
Yep! This class will be accessible for beginners.
I’m on meds/have an underlying health condition. Will this be right for me?
You’ll fill out an intake form when you register. If I feel that it would be unsafe for us to work together, I will let you know (with a virtual hug) and refund your payment.
I am comfortable working with a wide variety of pharmaceuticals and health conditions.
You should always consult your doctor when incorporating herbs into your care, and you should only do things that you’re comfortable with. If you’re not comfortable incorporating herbs into your healthcare, then this isn’t the right program for you.
If I follow this program, will I be able to go off allergy meds?
I can’t make any guarantees. But even if this program doesn’t completely solve your allergy issues, you’ll be supporting your immune system, decreasing inflammation in your body, and learning how to deal with things like goopy eyes and ticklish throats.
I don’t have seasonal allergies, but i have allergies to indoor things like dust, cats, mold, etc. Will this help me?
Yes! The timing of the program is scheduled for allergy season, but these strategies are helpful for any sort of environmental allergies.
I have food allergies. will this help?
Some of the strategies will help, yes. But this program will be geared toward allergy symptoms that manifest as “allergic rhinitis” — aka runny nose, sinus congestion, scratchy throat, oozy eyes, general face itchiness, brain fog, etc.
This program will not be geared toward food allergies or intolerances.
How much does it cost?
$145, or 4 monthly payments of $36.25
With that $145, you’ll gain the skills + understanding to be allergy-free (or allergy-freer) for the rest of your life. How much is free + clear breathing worth to you?
Hi, I’m Amanda.
I used to be thoroughly disgusting.
I would sit in class sneezing & sniffling, mentally calculating how frequently I could blow my nose without being obnoxious. I had to keep tissues with me everywhere. I was constantly embarrassed that people would notice my constant nose-blowing.
I had horrific indoor allergies to dust, mold, and strong perfumes (remember body sprays?). The resulting mucus was continuously embarrassing.
What fixed it? Herbs.
I accidentally learned that nettles helped my allergies, and this improved my daily life so much that here I am, an herbalist.
Allergies can make your life miserable. I’m here to help.
Are you ready to be free of your sneezes and sniffles?
Eager to break up with your tissue box?
Do you want this to be the best allergy season of your life?