hydrosol to the rescue... again
Hydrosols from MotMot Collective
If you've been in a class or two with me, you've probably heard me say that hydrosols are excellent herbal first aid to have on hand. They are great for weird skin stuff, wounds, rashes, general face care... and eyes. Hydrosols are, in my opinion, the best first aid for many eye issues. Just last week, a hydrosol saved the day yet again.
I had just arrived home from running errands. John had been serenading Althea with his guitar, and she was sleeping peacefully in her bouncy chair. I sat down next to him on the couch and then quickly realized this was a rare opportunity to snuggle. How exciting! I took my glasses off and snuggled my face against John's chest. After about a minute, Althea stirred, and I lifted my face from his chest.
Immediately, my eye that had been against John's shirt began to burn. What was wrong? I sent him upstairs to get saline. I rinsed my eye, but it was getting worse. As I washed my eye with soap and took deep breaths through the pain, I asked him what he'd been doing at the farm that day. Working with chemicals? No, thankfully. But while I was away he'd been grinding spices, including Thai peppers and black pepper. The dust must have gotten on his shirt. I rinsed my eye with half and half. It got a bit better but was still burning badly.
I scanned my brain -- what hydrosols did I have on hand? Do I know exactly where any were such that I could send John to grab one while I kept rinsing my eye over the sink? I remembered that I had a Clary Sage hydrosol that my friend Michele had gifted me. I told John which shelf it was on, he brought it to me, and I sprayed it all over my eye. My eye immediately began to feel better. A few more spritzes, and it was completely fine.
Clary Sage is one of my favorite herbs. It's great medicine for the eyes, and Clary Sage hydrosol is the best way to use it. It's rare that eye emergencies come up, but when you do it's so good to have hydrosol on hand. Other great first aid/eye hydrosols are Rose, White Yarrow, and Lavender.
That's my annual reminder to keep a hydrosol in your cabinet ;) I'll list some places where you can buy them below.
yours in Clary Sage spritzes,
P.S. I also use hydrosols to make mocktails! I've got two mocktails classes coming up -- find upcoming classes here ;)
Favorite Places to Buy Hydrosols:
Mot Mot Collective (my friend Michele's biz!)
Bluestem Botanicals
Mayernik Kitchen
Rowan + Sage
all these businesses distill hydrosols from plants they've grown themselves or responsibly foraged