the spell that basically almost worked
Back in 2014, I was living in a farm-neighbor's uninsulated barn loft.
It was a beautiful barn loft, to be sure, and I had my very own compost-bucket-toilet and a countertop water dispenser that emptied over a bucket so I could drink and brush my teeth.
At night, the loft would fill with insects. The buzzing bothered me at first, but I soon realized that -- if not for the insects, I'd be alone in there. They became my company. And, once June came around, fireflies joined the party. I would drift off to sleep with their otherworldly twinkles over my bed. I certainly wasn't going to complain about that.
As lovely as the uninsulated barn loft & visiting fireflies were, I had my sights set on something more.
That spring, I had connected with the land that would, in 2015, become the first home of Locust Light. While on the tour of the property, I learned that there was a tiny cottage that was rented out. It was currently occupied, and the tenant had been there for over 10 years. There was almost no chance that the tenant would be leaving.
I knew next to nothing about this cottage: was it cute? moldy? rundown? sunny? dank? No idea.
I did know this: It had been the summer kitchen of the original farmhouse that dated back to the 1700s. It was made of stone, and featured a large walk-in cooking hearth that tenants weren't allowed to use. And -- it was on the same property as the farm. The farm where I would be farming.
It had long been my dream to live on the same property where I farmed. And this mysterious cottage felt like the perfect opportunity.
So what did I do? Spellwork, obviously.
I went home, to that same altar at which I'd sat to connect with the land, and did all the magic I could muster to move into that cottage.
This was well before I'd officially studied "spellwork," but my instincts were strong, and the magic I did towards moving into the cottage was not much different from what I'd do today, though perhaps these days I'd add a few more layers into the spell and call in help from specific Plant Allies.
My magic was focused on one intention: I will move into the cottage in August.
I sat at my altar again, and again, and again -- I was extremely determined to move out of that barn loft.
August came and went, and I didn't move into the cottage. Just before December, when it was truly too cold to stay in the barn loft any longer, I rented a room in a house in town. I stayed there through the winter, and the following April I moved into another barn apartment, though this time it was a real apartment that had been constructed into a barn loft.
I'm a slow unpacker. And all that moving was exhausting. (By the time I was 26, I had moved 7 times in 4 years). It took me until the very end of April to get all my belongings unpacked and the apartment set up. The last weekend of April, I had a few friends over to celebrate the fact that I was finally moved in.
That spring, I had begun planting & farming at the new property -- yay! When I went to the farm to work on the Monday after my celebratory I'm-all-unpacked dinner, my farm landlords called me inside for a chat.
The tenant of the cottage would be moving out. They wanted to make some updates & renovations. I was welcome to move in after the updates were complete, if I was still interested.
Of course I was still interested! The timing felt like a cosmic joke, but hey! The cottage! Huzzah!
I ended up moving into the cottage in August of 2015.
... and the plant spirits chuckled quietly to themselves...
I love teaching magic. I believe in magic. I believe that magic can help you craft the life you desire.
Because of this story, when I teach magic, there is one thing I emphasize strongly and consistently:
Specifics are key to spellwork.
Specifics, specifics, specifics.
If you're interested in learning how to use plant magic to craft the very specific, wildly extraordinary life that you desire, check out Ritual & Spell, the 7-week course that will teach you to perform & write spells, and so much more.
Registration is now open for Ritual & Spell. Doors close on Friday.
This course only runs once a year. If you're feeling called to deepen your magical practice, or bring magic into your herbal practice, check it out. Details are below.
In the meantime, how can you get more specific with your intentions? Are there any areas of your life in which you're being vague with your desires? This is my gentle nudge to hone the details of your desires so that you can express them clearly to all the helping spirits.
with the friendly buzz of insects and the kindly twinkle of fireflies,
Craft your best life with plant magic
do you…
distract yourself by scrolling through images of altars & potions, wishing you could make them yourself?
gaze longingly at the full moon, wondering how to actually do a full moon ritual (or any ritual, for that matter)?
love making herbal teas and medicines, but feel lost when it comes to connecting with herbs in a magical or spiritual way?
have amazing dreams for your life that you just don’t know how to manifest?
feel intrigued by the concept of spellcraft, but have no idea where to start?
It's time to become the plant witch you know you are inside.
having a beautiful altar that you actually interact with
feeling grounded by a daily, weekly, or monthly ritual that adds a sense of meaning to your life
knowing how to craft a spell for any purpose or dream
effortlessly channeling messages & insight from your plant friends
being that person who knows how to make and use actual spells
Ritual & Spell is an online, 7-week course that will take you on a journey through spellcraft, plant magic, and personal ritual so that you can create your dream life and live in this world in a free and unfettered way.
In this course, you will learn what it means to connect with the magical personality of herbs and how to empathetically invite them to collaborate in your magic.
You will learn what a spell is and how to make one, and you’ll learn how to make a whole assortment of spells that carry their own unique magic.
You will learn the oh-so-many ways that ritual can support your life, and you’ll become a confident ritual-crafter yourself.
You’re scared of your power -- and that thrills you. You’re ready to dive in.
You’re tired of bowing to others’ authority.
You love reflective journaling and are open to spell-writing.
You look for any excuse to spend time at your altar..
You like your magic to be hands-on.
You love herbs -- and are curious about their magical personalities
The price: $295, or two payments of $149.
Enrollment is open until Friday, 4/30.
“I have been more mindful of setting aside time outside to connect and work with plants, and have noticed that I’ve had more success with self-care/acceptance/and patience with the path I am walking on to live the life I see for myself.
I feel the magic of my life purpose within me more often, and feel greater trust in my abilities.”
“Learning new spells...that fucking WORK!
THANK YOU for one of the BEST courses I’ve EVER taken. Hands down.”