where to buy herbs

“Where should I buy herbs from?”

Folks ask me this all the time. I get it — with so many options, how do you choose? How do you ensure that the quality is up to par?

I recommend buying from small, local herb farms whenever possible. You can find local herb farms at:



My favorite local herb farms

Barefoot Botanicals

Healing Spirits Herb Farm

Zack Woods Herb Farm

Tooth of the Lion Apothecary

Sawmill Herb Farm

Sacred Roots

I haven't yet bought from these farms, but they seem like good options:

Reverie Farm

Mt. Airy Herb Farm

Oshala Farm

Cutting Roots Farm & Apothecary

Farmacy Herbs

If you aren't able to find herbs at the above locations, Mountain Rose Herbs is a good option. Mountain Rose is the largest herb distributor that is ethical, responsible, and stringent in quality control. Mountain Rose is also a great place to get tins & jars for storing your blends.

Two notes about Mountain Rose:

1) If you join United Plant Savers, (membership is $30), a wonderful & worthy organization, not only will you receive their excellent Journal of Medicinal Plant Conservation, but you will also receive a 20% discount from Mountain Rose, which you will recoup very quickly if you buy herbs frequently.

2) I'm an affiliate for Mountain Rose, so if you buy through the link above, or through this link, I'll receive a small percentage of the sale.

Where to Buy Hydrosols

Barefoot Botanicals

Mayernik Kitchen

Rowan & Sage

Mountain Rose Herbs

Where to Buy Tinctures

Herbalist & Alchemist

Herb Pharm

Mayernik Kitchen

Rowan & Sage

Mountain Rose Herbs

Where to Buy Bottles & Tins

Specialty Bottle


Mountain Rose Herbs

Where to buy Indian spices & blends

Pure Indian Foods

this is an affiliate link because I’m obsessed with them! For amazing popcorn, add their ghee, kitchari, and nutritional yeast!

Lastly, I can’t recommend enough the book The Business of Botanicals: Exploring the Healing Promise of Plant Medicines in a Global Industry by Ann Armbrecht. If you purchase or use herbs in any fashion, it’s a must-read. And it’s a fun read! I promise.


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