herbal & plant magic resources for people of color

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Hello, and welcome.

Firstly, I want to tell you that I’m listening. I’m listening and learning. I’m here for the dismantling of white supremacy.

My foremost goal for Locust Light is that it is a space that is safe for all beings, and that it creates safety for all beings. I know that I have a long way to go toward making Locust Light a truly safe and welcoming space for people of color.

Locust Light is your community. I want you to feel welcome here. I will listen to your voice, your feelings, your frustration and concern. I am here for you. If you would like to reach out, feel free to email me at info@locustlightfarm.com.

This page is my way of inviting you into the garden, that you may feel the peace and comfort that it offers. Plants can be so comforting.

This is a list of resources and healing offers by and for people of color.

This is a list of flower essences that I have available. If you would like any of these, or any combination, send me an email with your address and I’ll send it along:

  • Rose — comforts the heart, supports you through grief and trauma

  • Red Clover — helps you to stay grounded and centered as the tides of the world flow around you

  • White Yarrow — helps to form a protective shield around you, helps you to not absorb others’ emotions or stress 

  • Comfrey — helps with deep healing, especially from trauma and times when you’ve disassociated or felt fractured

  • Lady’s Mantle — wraps you in a cloak of Divine Feminine protection

  • Calendula — helps you to advocate for yourself and communicate your needs clearly

  • Sunflower — helps to strengthen your solar plexus, stand confidently in the world, and manifest. Enhances outward expression

I am also available for herbal consultation and plant spirit healing consultations. I am still a student of clinical herbalism, please know that, but I’m in the part of my training in which I’m developing formulas, practicing intakes, etc. If we chat and I don’t feel qualified to help you, I’ll refer you to another herbalist.

If you’re interesting in working energetically with plants for healing, I can absolutely help you and I’d be honored to do so.

With love and solidarity,


P.S. The above offers are not just for the next few weeks. Reach out at any time.


Is it a time for whimsy?


white folks, let's talk