Witchy Tips for Surviving the Popular Viral Concern


We're all adjusting.

Amid the spread of a new, unfamiliar illness, we're learning how to wash our hands, work from home, and hoard food in just-the-right amount. 

Personally, I feel that this broader scenario is only adding to the sitting-in-the-mud limbo I tend to feel in March. I'm practicing patience, knowing that this will pass, and searching for the lessons in the limbo. 

I'm also moving our Monday night classes to an online format for the month of March (more on that below).

In the meantime, here is my witchy advice for navigating the Popular Viral Concern of this moment:

1. Drop the fear...

Listen, since you're getting this email I'm going to assume that you're either an herbalist or a witch -- or both. And who among us is better prepared to boost their immune systems, engage in preventative wellcare, and energetically protect themselves than witches and herbalists? 

You are one of the best-suited people to take care of yourself in uncertain times. You have so many tools. So open your herbal toolbox and trade in the fear for faith in your informed, reasonable actions. 

2. ...And pick up a cup of Reishi Chai

Medicinal mushrooms are one of the best ways to bolster your immune system. Yes, there are others, but we're going to talk about mushrooms right now. Specifically, we're going to talk about Reishi because it's widely available.

Reishi measurably increases the number of monocyte, macrophage, and T-lymphocytes in your body (those are all types of immune cells) and it also boosts their activity. You know how much reishi it takes to do this? 1 cup. 

Of course, you need to drink more than one cup to sustain the effects, but it's a powerful mushroom. It's also a nervine, which will help you to chill out amid the frenzy. 

I've been drinking daily decoctions of Reishi Chai. Here's my recipe:

  • One pint water

  • A few slices of Reishi

  • A tablespoon of Astragalus powder

  • Ginger

  • Cinnamon

  • Nutmeg

  • Pinch Clove

  • Pinch Black Pepper

  • You can also add: Turkey Tail, Ashwagandha or Eluethero, other medicinal mushrooms you have on hand

Simmer this for 30-60 minutes, and enjoy! It's yummy with any sort of milk.

3. Cuddle

You know what super boosts your immune system? Oxytocin. How do you get oxytocin? Cuddling. (Also: orgasms. And giving birth. But for our purposes, it's easier to arrange a cuddling session than having a whole baby.) So pile up some pillows, arrange the blankets, and cozy up to your partner, your pup, or your cantankerous cat.

4. Witch-ify your homemade hand sanitizer

Have you blended rubbing alcohol with aloe yet to make a hand sanitizer? Well, if you do, take it to the witchy level by infusing your rubbing alcohol with herbs that are antiviral and cleansing as well as being intensely energetically protective. Even infusing the rubbing alcohol for 24 hours will give you a nice extraction.

Witchy Protective & Cleansing Herbs:

  • Hyssop

  • White Yarrow (herb and flower essence)

  • Tansy

  • Feverfew

  • Rosemary

  • Thyme

You can also use the infused rubbing alcohol as a spray for your purse, backpack, steering wheel, doorknobs, etc. 

5. Embrace the quarantine

... and give your home a spring cleaning. It is Spring Equinox season, after all! 'Tis the moment to give your home a thorough, wondrous cleansing, or the time to give small, random cleansing to areas you usually ignore (like your dresser tops, cabinets, and car consoles).

Truly though, all these cancelled events mean that you have plenty of time to create Spring Equinox rituals for yourself. And if you'd like some guidance on that front, I've got just the online class for you. 

I hope you're able to feel patience with this weird, murky limbo time. Remember, this too will pass. In the meantime, check out LL updates below. 

I'm sending you a comforting, non-viral hug,


March Classes are Moving Online


"Create new data."